
custom fork of stagit
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commit 1ce31b0fa13c44eb83d395fcb502aec0c60e6750
parent 46a92a538d0f2b4921e47380f05c6a05ec9d00d3
Author: mjkloeckner <>
Date:   Wed,  4 Jan 2023 02:08:21 -0300

add onclick style to table rows

this is done in order to fix the user experience on mobile.

Mstagit-index.c | 11+++++++++++
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stagit-index.c b/stagit-index.c
@@ -163,6 +163,17 @@ writelog(FILE *fp)
     xmlencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
     fputs("</a></td>", fp);
+    fputs("<tr style=\"cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;\" onclick=\"window.location='/",fp);
+    percentencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
+    fputs("';\">", fp);
+    fputs("<td id=\"name\"><a href=\"",fp);
+    percentencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
+    fputs("/files.html\">", fp);
+    xmlencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
+    fputs("</a></td>", fp);
     fputs("<td id=\"description\"><a href=\"", fp);
     percentencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
     fputs("/files.html\">", fp);