
custom fork of stagit
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commit 096db14ea5767753b3d41862155d7e364217d0a4
parent 04e75716f1018ae21da88fde32a87e72958105e2
Author: mjkloeckner <>
Date:   Fri,  6 Jan 2023 00:50:50 -0300

add missing id selector to repos index header table

Mstagit-index.c | 2+-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/stagit-index.c b/stagit-index.c
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ writeheader(FILE *fp)
     fprintf(fp, "</title>\n<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"%sfavicon.png\" />\n", relpath);
     fprintf(fp, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%sstyle.css\" />\n", relpath);
     fputs("</head>\n<body>\n", fp);
-    fprintf(fp, "<table>\n<tr><td><img src=\"%slogo.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\" /></td>\n"
+    fprintf(fp, "<table id=\"header-table\">\n<tr><td><img src=\"%slogo.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\" /></td>\n"
             "<td><h1 id=\"main-name\">", relpath);
     xmlencode(fp, description, strlen(description));