
a graphical menu within a window
Index Commits Files Refs
commit 6aee8a426017cfa7cc538df906dc07e2e7e29504
parent b895dc97749d98449d47f4c7a4e9d55fa3de1a6a
Author: klewer-martin <>
Date:   Thu, 21 Apr 2022 00:08:58 -0300

Created new module 'menu'

New module created 'menu'; contains struct Entry wich represents every
entry in the menu, as well as the drawing functions of those entries

Mmain.c | 185++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------------------------------
Amenu.c | 85+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Amenu.h | 41+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
@@ -3,138 +3,21 @@
 #include <SDL2/SDL.h>
 #include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
+#include "menu.h"
 #define FONT_SIZE    12
 #define FONT_NAME    "/home/mk/.local/share/fonts/VictorMono-Bold.ttf"
-#define FONT_COLOR    0xFFFCF9
-#define SHADOW_COLOR    0x000000
-#define BAR_H 14
-#define BAR_BORDER 2
-#define TOTAL_ENTRIES 11
-#define NORM_COLOR 0x010101FF
-#define SEL_COLOR 0xCC0000FF
 #define WIN_DEFAULT_W    800
 #define WIN_DEFAULT_H    600
-#define UNHEX(color) \
-    ((color) >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF, \
-    ((color) >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF, \
-    ((color) >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF, \
-    ((color) >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF
-typedef struct Entry {
-    char *text;
-    bool selected;
-    size_t index;
-} Entry;
-void select_next(Entry entries[]) {
-    for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
-        if(entries[i].selected == true) {
-            entries[i].selected = false;
-            if((i + 1) < TOTAL_ENTRIES)
-                entries[i + 1].selected = true;
-            else
-                entries[0].selected = true;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-void select_prev(Entry entries[]) {
-    for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
-        if(entries[i].selected == true) {
-            entries[i].selected = false;
-            if(i == 0) entries[TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1].selected = true;
-            else entries[i - 1].selected = true;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
 int win_w, win_h;
-int text_w, text_h;
 TTF_Font *font;
-void draw_entry(SDL_Renderer *rend, Entry entry) {
-    SDL_Surface *text_surface;
-    SDL_Texture *text_texture;
-    SDL_Rect text_rect, text_container;
-    SDL_Color text_color, text_color_shadow;
-    text_color_shadow.r = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR >> 16) & 0xFF;
-    text_color_shadow.g = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR >> 8) & 0xFF;
-    text_color_shadow.b = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR) & 0xFF;
-    text_color.r = (char)(FONT_COLOR >> 16) & 0xFF;
-    text_color.g = (char)(FONT_COLOR >> 8) & 0xFF;
-    text_color.b = (char)(FONT_COLOR) & 0xFF;
-    text_container.x = BAR_BORDER;
-    text_container.y = (win_h / 2) - (((BAR_H * TOTAL_ENTRIES) + (ELEMENTS_PADDING * (TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1))) / 2) + BAR_H + (entry.index * (ELEMENTS_PADDING + BAR_H));
-    text_container.w = win_w - (BAR_BORDER * 2);
-    text_container.h = -BAR_H;
-    if(entry.selected)
-        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, UNHEX(SEL_COLOR)); /* RGBA */
-    else
-        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, UNHEX(NORM_COLOR)); /* RGBA */
-    SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &text_container);
-    if(entry.selected) {
-        text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, entry.text, text_color_shadow);
-        text_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rend, text_surface);
-        TTF_SizeText(font, entry.text, &text_w, &text_h);
-        text_rect.x = (win_w / 2) - (text_w / 2) + 1;
-        text_rect.y = (win_h / 2) - (((BAR_H * TOTAL_ENTRIES) + (ELEMENTS_PADDING * (TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1))) / 2) + BAR_H + (entry.index * (ELEMENTS_PADDING + BAR_H)) - (BAR_H + 1) + 1;
-        text_rect.w = text_surface->w;
-        text_rect.h = text_surface->h;
-        SDL_RenderCopy(rend, text_texture, NULL, &text_rect);
-        SDL_DestroyTexture(text_texture);
-        SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface);
-        text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, entry.text, text_color);
-        text_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rend, text_surface);
-        TTF_SizeText(font, entry.text, &text_w, &text_h);
-        text_rect.x = (win_w / 2) - (text_w / 2);
-        text_rect.y = (win_h / 2) - (((BAR_H * TOTAL_ENTRIES) + (ELEMENTS_PADDING * (TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1))) / 2) + BAR_H + (entry.index * (ELEMENTS_PADDING + BAR_H)) - (BAR_H + 1);
-        text_rect.w = text_surface->w;
-        text_rect.h = text_surface->h;
-    }
-    else {
-        text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, entry.text, text_color);
-        text_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rend, text_surface);
-        TTF_SizeText(font, entry.text, &text_w, &text_h);
-        text_rect.x = (win_w / 2) - (text_w / 2);
-        text_rect.y = (win_h / 2) - (((BAR_H * TOTAL_ENTRIES) + (ELEMENTS_PADDING * (TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1))) / 2) + BAR_H + (entry.index * (ELEMENTS_PADDING + BAR_H)) - (BAR_H + 1);
-        text_rect.w = text_surface->w;
-        text_rect.h = text_surface->h;
-    }
-    SDL_RenderCopy(rend, text_texture, NULL, &text_rect);
-    SDL_DestroyTexture(text_texture);
-    SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface);
 int main (void) {
     SDL_Window *win;
     SDL_Renderer *rend;
+    size_t i;
@@ -161,7 +44,7 @@ int main (void) {
     Entry entries[TOTAL_ENTRIES] = {0};
-    for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
+    for(i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
         entries[i].selected = false;
         entries[i].index = i;
@@ -169,14 +52,22 @@ int main (void) {
     entries[0].text = "Bubble sort";
     entries[1].text = "Bubble sort (improved)";
     entries[2].text = "Insertion sort";
-    entries[3].text = "Merge sort";
-    entries[4].text = "Quick sort";
-    entries[5].text = "Quick sort (dual pivots)";
-    entries[6].text = "Quick sort (LR pointers)";
-    entries[7].text = "Quick sort (LL pointers)";
-    entries[8].text = "Shell sort";
-    entries[9].text = "Radix sort";
-    entries[10].text = "Heap sort";
+    entries[3].text = "Binary insertion sort";
+    entries[4].text = "Merge sort";
+    entries[5].text = "Quick sort";
+    entries[6].text = "Quick sort (dual pivots)";
+    entries[7].text = "Quick sort (LR pointers)";
+    entries[8].text = "Quick sort (LL pointers)";
+    entries[9].text = "Shell sort";
+    entries[10].text = "Radix sort";
+    entries[11].text = "Heap sort";
+    entries[12].text = "Cocktail shaker sort";
+    entries[13].text = "Gnome sort";
+    entries[14].text = "Odd-even sort";
+    entries[15].text = "Tim sort";
+    entries[16].text = "Bogo sort";
+    entries[17].text = "Stooge sort";
+    entries[18].text = "Spaghetti sort";
     entries[0].selected = true;
     SDL_Keymod mod;
@@ -189,26 +80,22 @@ int main (void) {
                 default: break;
             case SDL_KEYDOWN:
                 /* printf("SDL_GetModState() == %X\n", SDL_GetModState()); */
+                mod = SDL_GetModState();
                 switch(event.key.keysym.scancode) {
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_J:
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN:
-                    select_next(entries);
-                    break;
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_K:
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_UP:
-                    select_prev(entries);
-                    break;
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_TAB:
-                    mod = SDL_GetModState();
-                    if((mod == KMOD_LSHIFT) || (mod == KMOD_RSHIFT)) {
-                        select_prev(entries);
+                    case SDL_SCANCODE_J:
+                    case SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN:
+                        if(mod == KMOD_NONE) select_next(entries);
-                    } else
-                        select_next(entries);
-                    break;
-                case SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN:
-                    break;
-                default: break;
+                    case SDL_SCANCODE_K:
+                    case SDL_SCANCODE_UP:
+                        if(mod == KMOD_NONE) select_prev(entries);
+                        break;
+                    case SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN:
+                        for(i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++)
+                            if(entries[i].selected)
+                                printf("%s\n", entries[i].text);
+                        break;
+                    default: break;
             case SDL_WINDOWEVENT:
@@ -226,8 +113,8 @@ int main (void) {
         SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 32, 32, 32, 0);
-        for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++)
-            draw_entry(rend, entries[i]);
+        for(i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++)
+            draw_entry(rend, font, win_w, win_h, entries[i]);
diff --git a/menu.c b/menu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include "menu.h"
+/* Finds the selected entry then selects next */
+void select_next(Entry entries[]) {
+    for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        if(entries[i].selected == true) {
+            entries[i].selected = false;
+            if((i + 1) < TOTAL_ENTRIES) entries[i + 1].selected = true;
+            else entries[0].selected = true;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+/* Finds the selected entry then selects previous */
+void select_prev(Entry entries[]) {
+    for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        if(entries[i].selected == true) {
+            entries[i].selected = false;
+            if(i == 0) entries[TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1].selected = true;
+            else entries[i - 1].selected = true;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+void draw_entry(SDL_Renderer *rend, TTF_Font *font, int win_w, int win_h, Entry entry) {
+    SDL_Surface *text_surface;
+    SDL_Texture *text_texture;
+    SDL_Rect text_rect, box;
+    SDL_Color text_color, text_color_shadow;
+    int first_entry_y_pos, win_center_y;
+    int text_w, text_h;
+    win_center_y = (win_h / 2);
+    first_entry_y_pos = win_center_y -
+        BAR_H + (entry.index * (ELEMENTS_PADDING + BAR_H));
+    text_color_shadow.r = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR >> 16) & 0xFF;
+    text_color_shadow.g = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR >> 8) & 0xFF;
+    text_color_shadow.b = (char)(SHADOW_COLOR) & 0xFF;
+    text_color.r = (char)(FONT_COLOR >> 16) & 0xFF;
+    text_color.g = (char)(FONT_COLOR >> 8) & 0xFF;
+    text_color.b = (char)(FONT_COLOR) & 0xFF;
+    box.x = BAR_BORDER;
+    box.y = first_entry_y_pos;
+    box.w = win_w - (BAR_BORDER * 2);
+    box.h = -BAR_H;
+    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, UNHEX(entry.selected ? SEL_COLOR : NORM_COLOR));
+    SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &box);
+    TTF_SizeText(font, entry.text, &text_w, &text_h);
+    /* Draw shadow */
+    if(entry.selected) {
+        text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, entry.text, text_color_shadow);
+        text_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rend, text_surface);
+        text_rect.x = (win_w / 2) - (text_w / 2) + 2;
+        text_rect.y = first_entry_y_pos - (BAR_H + 1) + 2;
+        text_rect.w = text_surface->w;
+        text_rect.h = text_surface->h;
+        SDL_RenderCopy(rend, text_texture, NULL, &text_rect);
+        SDL_DestroyTexture(text_texture);
+        SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface);
+    }
+    text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, entry.text, text_color);
+    text_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rend, text_surface);
+    text_rect.x = (win_w / 2) - (text_w / 2);
+    text_rect.y = first_entry_y_pos - (BAR_H + 1);
+    text_rect.w = text_surface->w;
+    text_rect.h = text_surface->h;
+    SDL_RenderCopy(rend, text_texture, NULL, &text_rect);
+    SDL_DestroyTexture(text_texture);
+    SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface);
diff --git a/menu.h b/menu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef _MENU_H_
+#define _MENU_H_
+#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
+#include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define FONT_COLOR        0xFFFCF9
+#define SHADOW_COLOR    0x000000
+#define BAR_H 14
+#define BAR_BORDER 2
+#define TOTAL_ENTRIES 19
+#define NORM_COLOR 0x010101FF
+#define SEL_COLOR 0xCC0000FF
+#define WIN_DEFAULT_W    800
+#define WIN_DEFAULT_H    600
+#define UNHEX(color) \
+    ((color) >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF, \
+    ((color) >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF, \
+    ((color) >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF, \
+    ((color) >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF
+typedef struct Entry {
+    char *text;
+    bool selected;
+    size_t index;
+} Entry;
+void select_prev(Entry []);
+void select_next(Entry []);
+void draw_entry(SDL_Renderer *, TTF_Font *, int, int, Entry);