
a backup of my entire webpage
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commit 68554d0c0fffbf236a7c75b730205b4b76d612f9
parent 7005fc6b15dcb81f578fdfe9757d733293c474e8
Author: mjkloeckner <martinjkloeckner@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat, 24 Feb 2024 18:21:26 -0300

Remove md foldre and use blog folder instead

Previously all the contents of the md folder was copied over to blog
folder and then the html pages where build on that folder. Now the blog
folder is used unstead to hold all the md files as well as the html

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Dmd/nerdearla-2022/nerdearla-2022.md | 26--------------------------
Dmd/sav/sav.gif | 0
Dmd/sav/sav.md | 31-------------------------------
Dmd/spending-money-on-thinkpads/spending-money-on-thinkpads.md | 47-----------------------------------------------
Dmd/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.png | 0
Dmd/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.webp | 0
Dmd/testing-syntax-highlight/testing-syntax-highlight.md | 87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dmd/vim-config/vim-config.md | 86-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dmd/vim-config/vim_logo.png | 0
Mscripts/build.sh | 6+++---
Mscripts/sync.sh | 4++--
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@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-title: "I bought a ThinkPad x200 for $27"
-date: "26-Oct-2022"
-# I bought a ThinkPad x200 for $27
-A few weeks ago I was scrolling through Facebook marketplace when I saw what It
-looked like a ThinkPad published for exactly ARS$ 8000 (around USD $27). When I
-enter the publication it was effectively a ThinkPad, precisely an x200, but it
-was very dirty, this was the picture attached to the publication: [![Thinkpad
-picture of the publication](owner-pic.jpeg)](owner-pic.png "Thinkpad picture of
-the publication") The owner stated that the machine was working but it had no
-charger, that was a little bit suspicious ngl but, for the price, I couldn't be
-picky, I was looking for a cheap old ThinkPad like this for a while and this was
-the perfect opportunity.
-So I contacted the owner, and we agree to meet the next day so I could pick it
-up. Fortunately the owner was about 30 minutes in public transport from my place
-so this was also a plus point for the publication.
-When the owner give it to me obviously it was very dirty but also I felt like
-something inside was a little bit loose; the transaction was very quick, in a
-corner of a known intersection so, I didn't look at it very carefully.
-When I arrived home and I started to look at it with more caution, the first
-thing that I noticed was that the loose part was the battery, so I didn't care
-much, but, before opening the lid I noticed that the lenovo branding was missing
-on the left bottom of the lid, at that moment I panicked a little because the
-day before going to pick up the x200 I saw a
-which stated that cheap chinese clones of this machines where made, this cheap
-clones cammed with an atom processor (trash compared to x200's processor) and
-they where smaller in size, and since they were clones no lenovo brand were
-This a picture of the cheap clone, it looks identical but without the lenovo
-brand anywhere.
-[![x200 chinese clone](x200_clone.jpeg)](x200_clone.png "x200 chinese clone")
-I started to look carefully at the machine again, and noticed that there was a
-"Lenovo enhanced experience" sticker on the bottom, so it couldn't be a copy,
-after searching for Intel Centrino on internet I found that it wasn't a
-processor but a network card, which the genuine x200 came with, so it actually
-was a *genuine ThinkPad*, in fact the cheap clones where more rare than the
-x200 itself.
-Since I hadn't the charger, I couldn't test if it worked, so I started to deep
-clean it, at least all the exterior dirt, and the keyboard, which was
-[![Cleaning thinkpad dirty keyboard](cleaning-kb.jpeg)](cleaning-kb.png
-"Cleaning thinkpad dirty keyboard")
-A couple of days later I picked up a used charger from a T430 (90w), and the
-TrackPoint cap which was also missing. When I connected the x200 to the grid the
-outer lid leds lit up, meaning the ThinkPad was receiving power and the battery
-was charging (or at least trying) so I tried to turn it on, and for my surprise
-the computer booted to the BIOS *without a problem*.
-## Updating the BIOS
-After I plugged the computer in and it booted into the bios, I checked for the
-bios version and it was `3.11`. A quick check on lenovo's x200 webpage revealed
-that there were BIOS updates up until version `3.16`. [![Old bios
-version](old-bios-version.jpeg)](old-bios-version.png "Old bios version") I
-searched on Google on how to update the bios but I couldn't find a way without
-using Windows, there was [one way using
-Linux](https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/BIOS_update_without_optical_disk) but
-honestly in comparison with the Windows way was much more complicated. The most
-simple way for me was installing Windows, since Lenovo provides a Windows only
-BIOS updater tool. So I quickly installed Windows 7 on an 240GB Kingston SSD
-which I had lying around and updated the BIOS, it was as simple as running the
-BIOS updater tool, clicking update and done.
-## Installing an Operating System
-After adding the SSD, installing Windows 7 and updating the BIOS, I was decided
-to install Linux, I wanted to try Void or Artix (w/ Runit), I had a previous
-machine with Artix ([yt video showing how fast it
-booted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBdNQdocrVc)) for almost a year and it
-worked pretty well, I even gamed CS GO on it. So I made a Void Linux bootable
-drive following the [Void Linux
-docs](https://docs.voidlinux.org/installation/live-images/prep.html), but, when
-I tried to boot into it, nothing. The BIOS wouldn't recognized the USB drive, I
-also tried making a bootable USB with
-[balenaEtcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) but again, nothing. The weird
-thing was that if I made an arch Linux bootable USB using the previous both
-methods the BIOS would boot instantly. Because it was late, I ended up
-installing arch Linux. During the installation I noticed that the BIOS was not
-UEFI compatible, and that was the cause of all the trouble. After I finished the
-installation and configuration of arch Linux, I searched for a tool that would
-allow me to make legacy BIOS compatible boot mediums, I stumbled with
-[WoeUSB](https://github.com/WoeUSB), I made a Void Linux bootable USB drive with
-that tool and it booted instantly, so maybe in a future I will install Void
-Linux like I intended in the first place.
-Anyway do you like my arch Linux rice? [![x200 Arch Linux
-rice](rice.jpeg)](rice.png "x200 arch linux rice") I'm using Suckless's
-[dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org/) and [st terminal](https://st.suckless.org/),
-Firefox for the web browser and dolphin for the graphical file manager. You can
-check out my [dotfiles](https://github.com/mjkloeckner/dotfiles) on GitHub,
-although I didn't update them yet, but maybe at the time when you are reading
-this I already did.
-## Using an x200 in 2022
-The computer works perfectly, the only thing missing is OpenGL version 3.X
-support, because the integrated graphics card is old the last version supported
-is 2.1, so I couldn't make kitty nor Alacritty terminals work. I ended up
-installing Suckless's simple terminal (st), and it works like a charm, and it's
-very lightweight too.
-The Core 2 Duo although it has almost 15 years, it is still very usable for
-surfing the web and writing code, and general daily lightweight task. I'm
-planning to take the x200 to the University to write notes and check PDFs in the
-library, since the x200 only weight at around 1.6kg with the 90w charger, its
-more lightweight than my 2.0kg dell, it is also very small in dimension, the
-x200 is like a [netbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netbook) with steroids.
-The most impressive thing is how usable it is with only 2GB of RAM, when I saw
-in the BIOS that it only had 2GB I thought that it would be unusable to be
-honest, but no, by using dwm the idle ram usage is 200MB approx. and with a
-couple of tabs opened in Firefox and some terminals the RAM usage sits at around
-1.3GB, of course I set up a swap partition during the installation and when I
-open more tabs in Firefox Htop reports some swap usage, so the swap partition
-This is the x200 compiling [translate
-shell](https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell) from source. [![Compiling
-translate shell](compiling.jpeg)](compiling.png "Compiling translate shell")
-Another picture of the x200, recording
-[MIDI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI?wprov=sfla1) using
-[qtractor](https://qtractor.org/). I've also used the x200 for live MIDI
-processing, and it worked without a problem. [![Recording midi on the
-x200](recording-midi.jpeg)](recording-midi.png "Recording midi on the x200")
-## Things to do next
-There is a ton of things that I want to try with this computer, like Libreboot,
-swapping motherboards, running Void Linux, etc. But first I would like to
-disassemble it entirely to remove all the dust from the motherboard and replace
-the thermal paste. Also buy a 9-cell battery. The one that came with the
-computer only lasted around 10 minutes the first charge, after calibration I
-made it last an hour and a half. I saw a used 9-cell genuine lenovo near my
-place on MercadoLibre for the same price that I bought the x200 lol (around USD
-$27). So stay tuned to the blog post to read all the updates on the x200.
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@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-title: "dwm: The dynamic window manager"
-date: "23-Oct-2021"
-# dwm: The dynamic window manager
-A window manager is a software that can manage the layout and appearance
-of every window spawned in your desktop, most people confuse them with
-desktop enviroments, which aren't the same since a desktop enviroment is
-more like an ecosystem, they come with a more 'complete' set of tools,
-like a basic web browser, a terminal emulator or a graphical calculator, an example
-of desktop enviroment would be gnome, xfce or kde plasma; instead a
-window manager is only the program that manages the windows spawned,
-although there are window managers that come with a little more, like
-docks or taskbars (openbox for example).
-In my case I use dwm, which is a window manager written in C developed
-by suckless software. The most relevant thing of this window manager is
-that out of the box it comes with the most basic functionallity, and if
-you want to extend it you need to patch it (I explain patching later).
-By default dwm comes with 9 workspaces, in which you can open as many
-windows as you please; to spawn a new window for example a web browser
-you need to assign it a keybinding or use an application launcher like
-[![Screenshot](screenshot.jpeg)](screenshot.png "Screenshot of my dwm build")
-## Installing dwm
-### Requisites
-- GNU/Linux or BSD based operating system
-- A C library and a C compiler
-- make utility installed
-- X server installed
-- dwm source code
-As you can see above you can only install dwm on GNU/Linux or BSD based
-distros, unfortunally dwm is not available for Windows users and I'm not
-sure if there is an alternative.
-### Steps
-In order to install dwm download the source code from [suckless.org/dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org/),
-you can clone the repo from [git.suckless.org/dwm](https://git.suckless.org/dwm) or
-download it as a tar file.
-After you obtain the source code navigate to the root folder
-of the source code and execute the following command
-$ sudo make install
-after that you can log out of you user account, if you use a display
-manager, select dwm as window manager on it and log back in, if you
-don't use a display manager, you need to edit your .xinitrc file located
-at your home folder, so that when you start Xorg dwm gets launched, you
-do this by adding `exec dwm` to the end of the .xinitrc
-file, its *important* that you add it to the end of the file.
-exec dwm
-Then you can start the X server by executing `startx` on a tty and
-dwm should start without any problems.
-This is what vanilla dwm looks like:
-[![Vanilla dwm](vanilla.jpeg)](vanilla.png "Vanilla dwm")
-## Customizing dwm
-### Setting a wallpaper
-Before getting into dwm configuration, let's add a wallpaper to make things look
-a little bit nicer. You can set a wallpaper from different ways, the simpler for
-me is installing feh and the executing the following command
-$ feh --bg-fill <image>
-you can also avoid setting --bg-fill and chossing other feh options to set the wallpaper
-(read man feh).
-Then add `.fehbg &` to your .xinitrc so the wallpaper gets loaded when Xorg starts, it is important
-that you add it before dwm gets executed, otherwise it will never be ran
-$HOME/.fehbg &
-exec dwm
-A graphical way of setting a wallpaper is with nitrogen, just install nitrogen open it
-with dmenu (MOD+p by default), include the folder where you have your wallpaper, select the
-image you want and the apply. To make changes persistent on every startup
-add this to you .xinirc file
-nitrogen --restore
-exec dwm
-### dwm configuration
-Basically you configure dwm by editing its source code, there is a C header file, named
-in the root folder of dwm, if you open it with a text editor you can see a
-lot of variables, for example the line `static const int topbar = 0`
-defines a variable named topbar which you can set to 1 or 0, to select
-if the status bar should spawn in the top or bottom of the screen respectively.
-You can also change the MOD key (by default its left alt), I like to remap
-mine to left Super (windows key).
-After every change you make to the source code you need to *recompile dwm*.
-#### Show information on the status bar
-dwm by default won't show any information on the status bar, this is
-done by using the xsetroot utility, which sets the value of WM\_NAME enviroment
-variable, the content of this variable is automatically displayed by dwm on the
-right side of the statusbar. Lets assume you want to set the clock and date
-on the status bar, well you could accomplish this by executing the following command
-$ xsetroot -iname $(date)
-and all the output of the command `date` would be stored on the WM\_NAME variable
-causing dwm to print the date on the statusbar, this
-makes dwm status bar highly scriptable, in fact there are a ton of status
-bar implementations, the one that I use is called
-[dwmblocks](https://github.com/torrinfail/dwmblocks) and its also
-written in C and the configuration its pretty much the same as dwm, in
-order to get information you need to have scripts that prints the
-desired data to stdout, then you can include them on the config.h of
-dwmblocks. It is important that the scripts are on your user's PATH, otherwise
-it won't work.
-#### Getting emoji support on dwm
-dwm by default doesn't come with emoji support, if you want to render
-an emoji in the status bar, it's going to either show it as a box or in
-the worst case crash.
-In order to get emoji support first make sure you have installed `libxft`,
-then you need to get a font with emoji support, I'm using [JoyPixels® font](https://www.joypixels.com/)
-you can also use [Google's noto font](https://fonts.google.com/noto),
-or any other font that comes with emoji support, then open dwm `config.def.h` and
-append to the fonts array the name of the font you want to use as fallback for the first font,
-since the emojis are not being printed because the font used doesn't include emojis, my
-config looks like this:
-static const char *fonts[] = { "Source Code Pro:style=Regular:size=9",
-                                "JoyPixels:style=Regular:size=8",
-                                 "DejaVu Sans" };
-I've also added `DejaVu Sans` to the fonts array because, sometimes, the emojis where being displayed
-with a little box or square next to them, this was a quick solution.
-After you setup the font you need to remove or comment a chunk of code
-from drw.c, between lines 136-150 there is a function named `iscol`, you
-need to remove it or comment it, since this causes dwm to crash.
-/* Do not allow using color fonts. This is a workaround for a BadLength
- * error from Xft with color glyphs. Modelled on the Xterm workaround. See
- * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1498269
- * https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1701/30932.html
- * https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=916349
- * and lots more all over the internet.
- */
-FcBool iscol;
-if(FcPatternGetBool(xfont->pattern, FC_COLOR, 0, &iscol) == FcResultMatch && iscol) {
-    XftFontClose(drw->dpy, xfont);
-    return NULL;
-Finally you can recompile dwm and, if everything went fine, you will get emoji support.
-#### Patching dwm
-Since dwm is a simple program than doesn't include much features, if
-you want to extend it, for example by adding a
-[systray](https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/systray/) to the status bar,
-you need to patch dwm. To do this first you need to download the patch
-from [suckless.org/patches](https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/), then
-make sure you got it 'patch' installed, although I think it comes with
-most linux distributions by default nowdays.
-To apply a patch navigate to dwm's root folder and execute this command
-$ patch -p1 < <file.diff>
-being `file.diff` the patch file downloaded previoulsy of course.
-If you never patched dwm before then probably no errors would be
-reported, but if you already have applied a ton of patches, (or sometimes just a couple)
-then probably you would get a HUNK \## FAILED, in this case you need to get your hands
-dirty, and manually patch all the files that failed, you do this by
-opening the files with .rej extension (short for rejected), and the
-corresponding file to be patched, for example dwm.c and dwm.c.rej, and
-then you add all the chunks of code from the rejected file into the
-corresponding place in the non rejected file, you know where you should
-put the chunks of code because in the rej file you can see at the start
-of every chunk there is a '@@' followed by a number of line; also
-lines starting with plus means add, and minus means delete, if I'm not
-clear you should google how to use diff and patch to modify a file.
-## More screenshots
-#### Debugging [6502 emulator](https://github.com/mjkloeckner/6502) with dwm, vim and tmux
-[![Debugging 6502 emulator](debugging.jpeg)](debugging.png "Debugging 6502 emulator")
-#### Floating window manager?
-[![Floating show](floating.jpeg)](floating.png "Floating show while raining")
-## Useful links
-- [What is a window manager?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager)
-- Make sure to check the [suckless webiste](https://suckless.org/)
-- [suckless dwm website](https://dwm.suckless.org/)
-- [X server man page](https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/man/man1/Xserver.1.xhtml)
-- [patch man page](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/patch.1.html)
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-title: "I'm going to Nerdearla 2022"
-date: "23-Sep-2022"
-# I'm going to Nerdearla 2022
-As the title says I'm going to be present at [Nerdearla](https://nerdear.la/).
-This will be my second time that I attend to this event since I've been there
-for the first time in 2019. I remember that [John 'Maddog'
-Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Hall_(programmer)) was making a
-presentation called "50 years of UNIX and the landing on the Moon", and it was
-very enjoyable, you can find a record of the presentation
-[![Nerdearla 2019](nerdearla-2019.jpeg)](nerdearla-2019.png "Nerdearla 2019")
-That time was my first talk ever, and I loved it, sadly, because of the
-pandemic, the event could only be remote the past two years.
-This time the event is hibrid, meaning half remote half presential, as always
-the entrance is free, you can get your free tickets at
-[registro.nerdear.la](https://registro.nerdear.la/). The presential part takes
-place at Centro cultural Konex at Once, Buenos Aires, on Oct 19 to Oct 22 of
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-title: "Sorting Algorithms Visualized"
-date: "18-Sep-2022"
-# Sorting Algorithms Visualized
-SAV, short for Sorting Algorithms Visualized, is a desktop app that shows how an
-array is being sorted using different algorithms.
-![](sav.gif "Gif showing SAV working")
-I made it using pure C and SDL2 for graphics, you can take a look at it's source
-code on [Github](https://github.com/mjkloeckner/sav).
-The main purpose of this app was to put in practice the knowledge I gained in C
-as well with algorithms, and it was like a challenge since I have never used
-SDL2 graphics before. In the end it was a very enjoyable project since SDL2 per
-se is a very simple and easy to use library.
-Currently the following sorting algorithms can be displayed:
-* bubble sort improved
-* insertion sort
-* merge sort wrapper
-* quick sort wrapper
-* shell sort
-* selection sort
-* heap sort
-but in a future I would like to add more algorithms, as well as sound.
diff --git a/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/spending-money-on-thinkpads.md b/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/spending-money-on-thinkpads.md
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-title: "Spending money on thinkpads"
-date: "14-Oct-2023"
-# Spending money on thinkpads
-This is both a happy and a sad post.
-![my thinkpad collection](thinkpads.webp)
-For the last couple of years my country's currency has been facing a big
-devaluation, in fact is one of the countries with the most inflation rate per
-year in the world at the moment, I'm talking about Argentina.
-Also I bought my first thinkpad back in October 2022, a thinkpad x200 for $27
-which had no charger, and the seller didn't knew if it worked, I bought a
-charger for it, then did a full cleanup, installed an SSD, and it has been
-working perfectly since then. (I posted an
-on my blog back then)
-As you can see in the picture the story doesn't ends there, in fact I bought
-more thinkpad products after that, since I was impressed by the build quality of
-the x200, and also because I noticed that there is an active market for them.
-A while ago I started to ask myself why do I spend money on thinkpads, the main
-reason of course is that this computers are so nice to tinker with, as an
-Electronics Engineer student I enjoy disassembling this machines to take a look
-at the design, and also to restore them into functionality, another reason and
-related to the country situation, is that I buy thinkpads because I don't want
-the money I had in my pockets to lose value, and I think this is a good
-justification, I love thinkpads but I also don't want my money to **devaluate**,
-and this is one of the main things the current government want you to do, spend
-money, this is what they achieve with printing money like crazy, they destroy
-the people saving capabilities, forcing them to spend money in things to prevent
-their money to devaluate.
-If we take for example the x200 that I bought first, I paid $8000 Argentine
-Pesos for it, which was around US $27 back then, today the $8000 would be
-equivalent to US $8, and it only passed a year.
-Of course this story has a happy side too, always has; during the last 12 months
-that I been a thinkpad owner I met people that also where into thinkpads, also
-people asking me or amazed by the modular design of the thinkpads, and people
-who listened to me when I explained to them why thinkpads are better that other
-computers haha.
diff --git a/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.png b/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.webp b/md/spending-money-on-thinkpads/thinkpads.webp
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/md/testing-syntax-highlight/testing-syntax-highlight.md b/md/testing-syntax-highlight/testing-syntax-highlight.md
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-title: "Testing code syntax highlight"
-date: "21-Oct-2022"
-# Testing code syntax highlight
-This is a testing page for a script that I'm using to highlight code blocks
-within an html file.
-The script is a heavily modified version of
-that accepts an html file name as command line argument, and prints to stdout
-the html content but with all text inside code tags surrounded by css selectors.
-For example, this is some C code:
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(void) {
-    char *hw = "Hello, world!\n";
-    printf("%s\n", hw);
-    return 0;
-This is part of the shell script that I use to build the html blog pages
-from markdown files
-sed -e "s/\$article-title\\$/$title/" -e "s/\$article-date\\$/$date/" \
-    -e "s/\$pagetitle\\$/$pagetitle/" -e '/\$body\$/r./body.html' \
-    -e "s/\$lang\\$/$lang/" -e "s/\$generator\\$/$generator/" \
-    -e '/\$body\$/d' $template > "$dest_dir"/"$filename".html
-This is an old JavaScript script that I was using to add the last modified date
-to a blog post:
-// How do I format a date in javascript?
-// stackoverflow.com/questions/3552461
-function join(t, a, s) {
-    function format(m) {
-        let f = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', m);
-        return f.format(t);
-    }
-    return a.map(format).join(s);
-var dt = new Date(document.lastModified);
-let format = [{day: 'numeric'}, {month: 'short'}, {year: 'numeric'}];
-let dts = join(dt, format, '-');
-document.querySelector('.article-date').innerHTML += " (last updated " + dts + ")";
-I removed it from the webpage because it was not working properly, the
-`document.lastModified` was always returning the current date. In stead, I
-added a new part to the shell script that builds the pages, the new content
-parses the output of `stat` command and appends it to the article date.
-This code is part of the script that I'm using for highlighting code blocks.
-It's written in golang, a language that I didn't knew until I needed to modify
-to make it work on my use case.
-rp := strings.NewReplacer("<code class=\"language-", "",
-                           "\">", "", "</code>", "")
-style := styles.Get("monokai")
-if style == nil {
-    style = styles.Fallback
-formatter := formatters.Get("html")
-if formatter == nil {
-    formatter = formatters.Fallback
-This part is using the [chroma](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma) syntax
-highlighter, at the moment I couldn't make it work, but I would like to, since
-it's much richer in languages support and themes than the previous method.
diff --git a/md/vim-config/vim-config.md b/md/vim-config/vim-config.md
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-title: "vim: The keyboard driven text editor"
-date: "04-Mar-2021"
-![Vim logo](vim_logo.png "Vim logo"){.article-icon}
-# The keyboard driven text editor
-If we think for a moment about software we are going to realize that the
-core of every program is just plain text, literally, just words in a
-file that someone wrote, this webpage is just text interpreted by
-your web-browser, whose also just plain text.
-The way we tell computers what to do is with text, so in order to
-write that text we need a set of basic tools, one of which is a text editor,
-and this is were Vim is known for.
-Vim is just a console text editor, "console" because vim can only be executed
-from the commandline (altough you can find distributions like gvim, which has
-it's own window), a benefit of this is that, it's very lightweight in terms of
-system resources. The term Vim stands for Vi IMproved, Vim is a rewrite and
-improved version of Vi, a console text editor that dates from 1978, it's very
-similar to vim but with less features.
-If you installed Vim and you don't know how to move around or insert text, I'm
-only going to tell two things, first, how to exit, press esc a couple of times
-and also Ctrl+C, just to make sure that you are on normal mode, then type
-\`:wq!\` and press enter. I'm also going to tell you how to run vim tutor, just
-execute \`vimtutor\` from the commandline. Vim tutor is a very good tutorial
-included with vim, it teaches you how to use vim in an interactive way.
-## Vim configuration
-Vim is also highly configurable, you can do configure vim by editing the
-*.vimrc* text file, which should be in you home directory in Linux or BSD based
-OSs, if not, you can *create* a new blank one and start from zero.
-You can search for vim settings or copy from other's config files, you can also
-check out my [vim config
-file](https://github.com/mjkloeckner/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc) and take out
-the parts that would fit your needs. The basic settings are almost present in
-every config file like:
-set syntax=on
-set encoding=utf-8
-set tabstop=4
-set shiftwidth=4
-set number
-set mouse+=a
-## Vim plugins
-By default Vim comes with a lot of features missing, for example, a key binding
-to comment a line, or auto close brackets, parenthesis, etc, this features can
-be enabled by installing *plugins*. 
-Vim plugins are like pieces of other's config files that you can include in
-yours. The simpler way of managing plugins is with a plugin manager, I use
-### Installing a plugin
-First install vim-plug or any other vim plugin manager, for vim-plug enter the
-link I left you above, and follow the instructions. For any other plugin manger
-I think it would be pretty similar. After you got a plugin manager installed
-simply call the plugins that you want from you .vimrc file, for example I'm
-using vim-plug and the section where I call the plugins in my .vimrc file looks
-like this:
-Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
-Plug 'justinmk/vim-syntax-extra'
-Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
-Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
-Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
-Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
-Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
-Plug 'alvan/vim-closetag'
-Plug 'hankchiutw/nerdtree-ranger.vim'
-then, in the case of vim-plug, you need to run `:PlugInstall` to install all the
-new plugins added.
diff --git a/md/vim-config/vim_logo.png b/md/vim-config/vim_logo.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/scripts/build.sh b/scripts/build.sh
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
-for i in $(ls $root_folder/md); do
-    cp -ur "$root_folder"/md/$i "$root_folder"/blog/ >/dev/null 2>&1
+for i in $(ls $root_folder/blog); do
+    # cp -ur "$root_folder"/md/$i "$root_folder"/blog/ >/dev/null 2>&1
     "$root_folder"/scripts/build_page.sh \
-        -i "$root_folder"/md/$i/$i.md \
+        -i "$root_folder"/blog/$i/$i.md \
         -t "$root_folder"/scripts/template.html \
         -d "$root_folder"/blog/$i;
diff --git a/scripts/sync.sh b/scripts/sync.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ generate_blog_index() {
         file_name=$(echo "$i" | grep -oE '[^/]*$' | cut -d '.' -f 1)
-        printf "<li><b-time>%s</b-time> <a href=\"/$html_folder/$file_name/$file_name.html\">%s</a></li>\n" \
+        printf "<li><b-time>%s</b-time> <a href=\"/$blog_folder/$file_name/$file_name.html\">%s</a></li>\n" \
             "${article_date}" "${article_title}" >> $root_folder/$blog_index_file