
a backup of my entire webpage
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commit 269f97319c8dff1f16accee8fc290e81bec9ab52
parent 487febc04715921fc1975c2015961b6e11e16690
Author: mjkloeckner <martin.cachari@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun, 25 Sep 2022 17:08:20 -0300

Deleted old copy of sav.html

Dblog/sav/sav2.html | 93-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
diff --git a/blog/sav/sav2.html b/blog/sav/sav2.html
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
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-<!-- pagetitle := "Martin's webpage" -->
-<head id=top>
-    <title>SAV - Sorting Algorithms Visualized - Martin Klöckner's webpage</title>
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-    <!--#include virtual="/common/header.shtml" -->
-    <article>
-        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href="/css/article_style.css">
-        <h1 id="article-title">SAV - Sorting Algorithms Visualized</h1>
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-            var myDate = new Date(document.lastModified);
-            console.log('toISOString', myDate.toISOString());
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-<p>This is a desktop app that shows how an array is being sorted using
-different algorithms.</p>
-<div id="article-screenshot">
-<p><img src="sav.gif" title="Gif showing SAV working" /></p>
-<p>I made it using pure C and SDL2 for graphics, you can take a look at
-it’s source code on <a
-<p>The main purpose of this app was to put in practice the knowledge I
-gained in C as well with algorithms, and it was like a challenge since
-I’d never used SDL2 graphics before. In the end was a very enjoyable
-project since SDL2 per se is a very simple and easy to use library.</p>
-<p>Currently it supports the following algorithms:</p>
-<li>bubble sort improved</li>
-<li>insertion sort</li>
-<li>merge sort wrapper</li>
-<li>quick sort wrapper</li>
-<li>shell sort</li>
-<li>selection sort</li>
-<li>heap sort</li>
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-    </article>
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-        <!--     <h3 class="date">18/09/22</h3> -->
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-        <!-- <h1 class="title">SAV - Sorting Algorithms Visualized</h1> -->
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