
my fork of dwm
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commit 2122e39ce152d9ce9eadef70a6151097d5c10484
parent e70139428aec871756dec03d6901478dc7c0cd39
Author: Anselm R. Garbe <arg@suckless.org>
Date:   Fri, 23 Feb 2007 13:37:55 +0100

replacing Mod1-i with Mod1-Shift-j, Mod1-d with Mod1-Shift-k
Mconfig.arg.h | 4++--
Mconfig.default.h | 4++--
Mdwm.1 | 12++++++------
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.arg.h b/config.arg.h
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ static Key key[] = { \
     { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_Return,    spawn, \
         "exec urxvtcd -tr -bg '#222' -fg '#eee' -cr '#eee' +sb -fn '"FONT"'" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_space,    setlayout,    NULL }, \
-    { MODKEY,            XK_d,        incnmaster,    "-1" }, \
-    { MODKEY,            XK_i,        incnmaster,    "1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_h,        incmasterw,    "-32" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_l,        incmasterw,    "32" }, \
+    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_j,        incnmaster,    "1" }, \
+    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_k,        incnmaster,    "-1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_j,        focusclient,    "1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_k,        focusclient,    "-1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_m,        togglemax,    NULL }, \
diff --git a/config.default.h b/config.default.h
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ static Key key[] = { \
     { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_Return,    spawn,        "exec xterm" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_p,        spawn,         "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && exec $exe" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_space,    setlayout,    NULL }, \
-    { MODKEY,            XK_d,        incnmaster,    "-1" }, \
-    { MODKEY,            XK_i,        incnmaster,    "1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_h,        incmasterw,    "-32" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_l,        incmasterw,    "32" }, \
+    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_j,        incnmaster,    "1" }, \
+    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,        XK_k,        incnmaster,    "-1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_j,        focusclient,    "1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_k,        focusclient,    "-1" }, \
     { MODKEY,            XK_m,        togglemax,    NULL }, \
diff --git a/dwm.1 b/dwm.1
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ Focus next window.
 .B Mod1-k
 Focus previous window.
+.B Mod1-Shift-j
+Increase the number of windows in the master area (tiled layout only).
+.B Mod1-Shift-k
+Decrease the number of windows in the master area (tiled layout only).
 .B Mod1-l
 Increase master area width (tiled layout only).
 .B Mod1-h
 Decrease master area width (tiled layout only).
-.B Mod1-i
-Increase the number of windows in the master area (tiled layout only).
-.B Mod1-d
-Decrease the number of windows in the master area (tiled layout only).
 .B Mod1-m
 Toggles maximization of current window (floating layout only).