
Config files from my daily system
Index Commits Files Refs README
DateCommit messageAuthorFiles+-
22:57 03-04-2023added --no-pager to git branch aliasmjkloeckner1+1-2
13:21 01-04-2023Update README.mdmjkloeckner1+1-0
13:21 01-04-2023Update README.mdmjkloeckner1+3-0
13:17 01-04-2023Update README.mdMartin J. Klöckner1+4-1
23:58 07-02-2023updated neovim config filemjkloeckner1+170-37
12:27 12-01-2023fix LESS not displaying colors in tmux and vi mode yank to sys clipboardmjkloeckner1+5-5
15:38 09-01-2023added cmus configuration filemjkloeckner1+226-0
15:33 08-01-2023updated dwm autostart scriptmjkloeckner1+29-11
00:41 07-01-2023added dunst config filemjkloeckner1+448-0
15:32 05-01-2023added prompt symbol to console commands in README.mdmjkloeckner1+8-8
02:31 22-12-2022added mpv config filesmjkloeckner2+18-0
02:23 22-12-2022removed vim plugginsmjkloeckner82+0-16145
02:20 22-12-2022added .gitkeep files to include empty plugins foldersmjkloeckner2+0-0
02:06 22-12-2022removed git submodules and updated config filesmjkloeckner432+559-26686
19:01 21-12-2022updated READMEmjkloeckner1+3-1
18:57 21-12-2022updated READMEmjkloeckner1+1-1
18:54 21-12-2022added font name to README.mdmjkloeckner1+12-11
18:52 21-12-2022updated READMEmjkloeckner1+17-9
18:35 21-12-2022updated READMEmjkloeckner1+5-5
18:33 21-12-2022updated READMEmjkloeckner1+1-0
18:29 21-12-2022removed git submodulesmjkloeckner44+7-9660
19:01 29-03-2022Update README.mdMartin J. Klöckner1+1-1
18:55 29-03-2022Update README.mdMartin J. Klöckner1+1-1
19:31 07-11-2021Updated dotfilesklewer-martin86+20716-172
14:00 15-10-2021Deleted bash config files, and added zshrc root user config, which doesn't starts the xserverklewer-martin3+138-31
13:57 15-10-2021Synced inspiron zsh buildklewer-martin9+1983-86
13:55 15-10-2021Synced inspiron dwm build, and also tmux, vimrc, and x config filesklewer-martin17+574-101
13:19 15-10-2021Updated, and a couple of files, also gitignored nvim plugins git folderklewer-martin10+27-11
22:15 29-09-2021Added xorg 'config files' which contains mouse & keyboard configsklewer-martin2+12-0
23:33 24-09-2021Added zsh config folder including pluggins folderklewer-martin405+21095-0
23:31 24-09-2021Added zsh config folder including pluggins folderklewer-martin3+0-3
23:24 24-09-2021Added zsh config folder including pluggins folderklewer-martin1+0-1
23:22 24-09-2021Added zsh config folder including pluggins folderklewer-martin7+3-3
23:15 24-09-2021Added zsh folder with plugins folderklewer-martin5+39-0
13:15 26-06-2021Update;klewer-martin1+9-0
13:15 26-06-2021Update;klewer-martin16+210-225
13:12 26-06-2021Update;klewer-martin30+6004-61
12:32 02-06-2021Updated neovim config fileklewer-martin2+123-212
12:29 02-06-2021Updated neovim config fileklewer-martin1+198-0
10:57 02-06-2021Update: Added alacritty & kitty config filesklewer-martin3+3529-0
10:55 02-06-2021Updated config filesklewer-martin60+84-7745
17:00 07-05-2021Update;klewer-martin31+6002-45
10:24 03-05-2021Merge branch 'master' of
10:24 03-05-2021Update: zsh config fileklewer-martin1+15-24
22:56 22-04-2021Updated tmux config fileklewer-martin1+44-1
21:05 22-04-2021Merge branch 'master' of Merge neccesaryklewer-martin1+4-1
21:05 22-04-2021Update: updated zsh config file.klewer-martin1+32-13
02:21 10-04-2021Added colored prompt to bash config fileklewer-martin1+4-1
23:15 04-04-2021Update: tmux config, mouse scroll onklewer-martin1+2-0
23:00 04-04-2021Update: tmux config file;klewer-martin1+3-0
22:38 04-04-2021Update: added tmux config file;klewer-martin1+15-0
15:28 30-03-2021Update: nvim config files;klewer-martin5+31-6
00:46 30-03-2021Update: Added DWM config files;klewer-martin34+3363-0
20:20 25-03-2021Update: added termite config file;klewer-martin2+79-0
18:33 23-03-2021Update: moved some dirs;klewer-martin28+0-0
04:36 21-03-2021Added dwm-bar config files;klewer-martin28+1828-0
03:10 07-03-2021Update: Added zathura config file.klewer-martin2+23-2
01:08 06-03-2021Update: added auto-pairs plugginklewer-martin1+1-0
01:03 06-03-2021Update;klewer-martin1+10-4
17:37 27-02-2021Updated file;klewer-martin1+1-1
17:35 27-02-2021Updated dotfiles;klewer-martin19+803-163
02:38 23-02-2021Added ranger config file;klewer-martin5+3475-0
19:59 15-02-2021Update;klewer-martin1+2-2
19:56 15-02-2021updated zsh aliasesklewer-martin1+7-7
22:16 10-02-2021Updated zsh config file;klewer-martin1+10-2
22:15 10-02-2021Update on i3 status config file;klewer-martin1+120-0
18:28 04-02-2021Updated vim config file;klewer-martin1+2-0
16:48 04-02-2021Updated zshrc now with more aliases, still have to fix Home, End, PgUp, PgDn funtionality, still don't work properly;klewer-martin1+6-2
20:07 01-02-2021Updated i3wm config file;klewer-martin1+3-3
20:06 01-02-2021Updated nvim & zsh config files;klewer-martin2+20-5
05:11 01-02-2021Updated config files;klewer-martin1+4-0
05:09 01-02-2021Updated config files;klewer-martin1+1-0
05:04 01-02-2021Merge branch 'master' of Merged neccesary to update local files;klewer-martin1+12-0
05:02 01-02-2021Updated config files; now mapped PrtScr button to take screenshots with scrot;klewer-martin3+70-37
05:00 01-02-2021Update README.mdMartin J. Klöckner1+3-3
04:58 01-02-2021Create README.mdMartin J. Klöckner1+12-0
03:05 01-02-2021Updated vim config file, now with more easy keybindings;klewer-martin1+40-11
16:26 29-01-2021Merge branch 'master' of Merge neccesary to update local files;klewer-martin1+1-1
16:24 29-01-2021Modified xinit config file to swap keys on startup;klewer-martin1+4-1
15:40 29-01-2021Update .zshrcMartin J. Klöckner1+1-1
15:39 29-01-2021Added zsh config file;klewer-martin1+59-0
00:27 29-01-2021Reorganized dotfiles dir;klewer-martin1+1-1
00:22 29-01-2021Reorginized files;klewer-martin1+0-0
00:17 29-01-2021Merge branch 'master' of Merged neccesary to upload new local files to repo;klewer-martin1+1-1
00:16 29-01-2021Added nvim config files;klewer-martin1+17-0
14:11 27-01-2021Update .xinitrcMartin J. Klöckner1+1-1
14:06 27-01-2021Added new config files;klewer-martin3+85-4
18:22 15-01-2021Improved the config files, and reorginized a little bit;klewer-martin9+385-522
19:17 12-01-2021Added dotfiles extracted from a test arch linux + i3-gaps vm;klewer-martin1+3-0
15:26 12-01-2021Added dotfiles extracted from a vm using archlinux & i3wm-gapsklewer-martin1+79-0
15:15 12-01-2021Config files taken from a vm using archlinux + i3gaps;klewer-martin1+12-0
14:47 12-01-2021Dotfiles taken from a vm;klewer-martin2+23-0
14:45 12-01-2021vimklewer-martin2+440-0