
vim plugin to autosave buffer when leaving cursor idle
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commit 35e2f688f3ddb01b65205d3f1a9f66016d653169
parent 76a131e1632207a5dfbe55d41079b39a700a696d
Author: mjkloeckner <>
Date:   Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:25:12 -0300


Diffstat: | 22++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -3,29 +3,43 @@
 This is a plugin to auto save the current buffer (if modified) when the cursor
 is idle.
 ## Installing
 If you are using [vim-plug]( add this to
 your plugins list:
-    Plug 'chrisbra/Colorizer'
+Plug 'mjkloeckner/autosave.vim'
 ## Options
-- Enable auto_save for only these filetypes, to see all posible filetypes 
-  see: <>
+- Enable autosave for only these filetypes
   let g:auto_save_file_types = [ 'markdown' ]
-- Enable auto_save for all filetypes
+  To see all posible filetypes see:
+  <>
+- Enable autosave for all filetypes
   let g:auto_save_all_filetypes = 0
+- The event that triggers the autosave is CursorHold and CursorHoldI (see [:h
+  CurosrHold](
+  You can change the default wait time to trigger CursorHold with:
+  ```vim
+  set updatetime = 1000 " set updatetime to 1 s (the default is 4 seconds)
+  ```
+  Note that a very low value may impact Vim performance.
 ## License