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commit 3acc483048b04e4dd560d01ea1610f815235e763
parent 2dc34e4d63d2e58bfc628644a6641fb08109acaa
Author: Martin Kloeckner <mjkloeckner@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:41:46 -0300

added `nbconvert` latex template

Alatex-template/base.tex.j2 | 260+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Alatex-template/conf.json | 7+++++++
Alatex-template/display_priority.j2 | 47+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Alatex-template/document_contents.tex.j2 | 74++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Alatex-template/index.tex.j2 | 17+++++++++++++++++
Alatex-template/null.j2 | 106+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Alatex-template/style_jupyter.tex.j2 | 178+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 689 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/latex-template/base.tex.j2 b/latex-template/base.tex.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+((=- Latex base template (must inherit)
+This template builds upon the abstract template, adding common latex output
+functions. Figures, data_text,
+This template defines defines a default docclass, the inheriting class should
+override this.-=))
+((*- extends 'document_contents.tex.j2' -*))
+% Abstract overrides
+((*- block header -*))
+    ((* block docclass *))\documentclass[11pt]{article}((* endblock docclass *))
+    ((* block packages *))
+    % Basic figure setup, for now with no caption control since it's done
+    % automatically by Pandoc (which extracts ![](path) syntax from Markdown).
+    \usepackage{graphicx}
+    % Maintain compatibility with old templates. Remove in nbconvert 6.0
+    \let\Oldincludegraphics\includegraphics
+    % Ensure that by default, figures have no caption (until we provide a
+    % proper Figure object with a Caption API and a way to capture that
+    % in the conversion process - todo).
+    \usepackage{caption}
+    \DeclareCaptionFormat{nocaption}{}
+    \captionsetup{format=nocaption,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=-20pt}
+    \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{-20pt}
+    \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
+    \usepackage{float}
+    \floatplacement{figure}{H} % forces figures to be placed at the correct location
+    \usepackage{xcolor} % Allow colors to be defined
+    \usepackage{enumerate} % Needed for markdown enumerations to work
+    \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} % Used to adjust the document margins
+    \usepackage{amsmath} % Equations
+    \usepackage{amssymb} % Equations
+    \usepackage{textcomp} % defines textquotesingle
+    % Hack from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/47451/13684:
+    \AtBeginDocument{%
+        \def\PYZsq{\textquotesingle}% Upright quotes in Pygmentized code
+    }
+    \usepackage{upquote} % Upright quotes for verbatim code
+    \usepackage{eurosym} % defines \euro
+    \usepackage{helvet}
+    \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault}
+    \usepackage{iftex}
+    \ifPDFTeX
+        \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+        \IfFileExists{alphabeta.sty}{
+              \usepackage{alphabeta}
+          }{
+              \usepackage[mathletters]{ucs}
+              \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
+          }
+    \else
+        \usepackage{fontspec}
+        \usepackage{unicode-math}
+    \fi
+    \usepackage{fancyvrb} % verbatim replacement that allows latex
+    \usepackage{grffile} % extends the file name processing of package graphics
+                         % to support a larger range
+    \makeatletter % fix for old versions of grffile with XeLaTeX
+    \@ifpackagelater{grffile}{2019/11/01}
+    {
+      % Do nothing on new versions
+    }
+    {
+      \def\Gread@@xetex#1{%
+        \IfFileExists{"\Gin@base".bb}%
+        {\Gread@eps{\Gin@base.bb}}%
+        {\Gread@@xetex@aux#1}%
+      }
+    }
+    \makeatother
+    \usepackage[Export]{adjustbox} % Used to constrain images to a maximum size
+    \adjustboxset{max size={\linewidth}{\paperheight}}
+    % The hyperref package gives us a pdf with properly built
+    % internal navigation ('pdf bookmarks' for the table of contents,
+    % internal cross-reference links, web links for URLs, etc.)
+    \usepackage{hyperref}
+    % The default LaTeX title has an obnoxious amount of whitespace. By default,
+    % titling removes some of it. It also provides customization options.
+    \usepackage{titling}
+    \setlength{\droptitle}{0em}
+    \usepackage{longtable} % longtable support required by pandoc >1.10
+    \usepackage{booktabs}  % table support for pandoc > 1.12.2
+    \usepackage{array}     % table support for pandoc >= 2.11.3
+    \usepackage{calc}      % table minipage width calculation for pandoc >= 2.11.1
+    \usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % IRkernel/repr support (it uses the enumerate* environment)
+    \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % ulem is needed to support strikethroughs (\sout)
+                                % normalem makes italics be italics, not underlines
+    \usepackage{soul}      % strikethrough (\st) support for pandoc >= 3.0.0
+    \usepackage{mathrsfs}
+    ((* endblock packages *))
+    ((* block definitions *))
+    % Colors for the hyperref package
+    \definecolor{urlcolor}{rgb}{0,.145,.698}
+    \definecolor{linkcolor}{rgb}{.71,0.21,0.01}
+    \definecolor{citecolor}{rgb}{.12,.54,.11}
+    % ANSI colors
+    \definecolor{ansi-black}{HTML}{3E424D}
+    \definecolor{ansi-black-intense}{HTML}{282C36}
+    \definecolor{ansi-red}{HTML}{E75C58}
+    \definecolor{ansi-red-intense}{HTML}{B22B31}
+    \definecolor{ansi-green}{HTML}{00A250}
+    \definecolor{ansi-green-intense}{HTML}{007427}
+    \definecolor{ansi-yellow}{HTML}{DDB62B}
+    \definecolor{ansi-yellow-intense}{HTML}{B27D12}
+    \definecolor{ansi-blue}{HTML}{208FFB}
+    \definecolor{ansi-blue-intense}{HTML}{0065CA}
+    \definecolor{ansi-magenta}{HTML}{D160C4}
+    \definecolor{ansi-magenta-intense}{HTML}{A03196}
+    \definecolor{ansi-cyan}{HTML}{60C6C8}
+    \definecolor{ansi-cyan-intense}{HTML}{258F8F}
+    \definecolor{ansi-white}{HTML}{C5C1B4}
+    \definecolor{ansi-white-intense}{HTML}{A1A6B2}
+    \definecolor{ansi-default-inverse-fg}{HTML}{FFFFFF}
+    \definecolor{ansi-default-inverse-bg}{HTML}{000000}
+    % common color for the border for error outputs.
+    \definecolor{outerrorbackground}{HTML}{FFDFDF}
+    % commands and environments needed by pandoc snippets
+    % extracted from the output of `pandoc -s`
+    \providecommand{\tightlist}{%
+      \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}
+    \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{commandchars=\\\{\}}
+    % Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
+    \newenvironment{Shaded}{}{}
+    \newcommand{\KeywordTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.44,0.13}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\DataTypeTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.56,0.13,0.00}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\DecValTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\BaseNTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\FloatTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\CharTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\StringTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\CommentTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textit{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\OtherTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.44,0.13}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\AlertTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\FunctionTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.02,0.16,0.49}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\RegionMarkerTok}[1]{{#1}}
+    \newcommand{\ErrorTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\NormalTok}[1]{{#1}}
+    % Additional commands for more recent versions of Pandoc
+    \newcommand{\ConstantTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.53,0.00,0.00}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\SpecialCharTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\VerbatimStringTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\SpecialStringTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.73,0.40,0.53}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\ImportTok}[1]{{#1}}
+    \newcommand{\DocumentationTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.73,0.13,0.13}{\textit{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\AnnotationTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textbf{\textit{{#1}}}}}
+    \newcommand{\CommentVarTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textbf{\textit{{#1}}}}}
+    \newcommand{\VariableTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.10,0.09,0.49}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\ControlFlowTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.44,0.13}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
+    \newcommand{\OperatorTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.40,0.40,0.40}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\BuiltInTok}[1]{{#1}}
+    \newcommand{\ExtensionTok}[1]{{#1}}
+    \newcommand{\PreprocessorTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.74,0.48,0.00}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\AttributeTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.49,0.56,0.16}{{#1}}}
+    \newcommand{\InformationTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textbf{\textit{{#1}}}}}
+    \newcommand{\WarningTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textbf{\textit{{#1}}}}}
+    % Define a nice break command that doesn't care if a line doesn't already
+    % exist.
+    \def\br{\hspace*{\fill} \\* }
+    % Math Jax compatibility definitions
+    \def\gt{>}
+    \def\lt{<}
+    \let\Oldtex\TeX
+    \let\Oldlatex\LaTeX
+    \renewcommand{\TeX}{\textrm{\Oldtex}}
+    \renewcommand{\LaTeX}{\textrm{\Oldlatex}}
+    % Document parameters
+    % Document title
+    ((* block title -*))
+    ((*- set nb_title = nb.metadata.get('title', '') or resources['metadata']['name'] -*))
+    ((*- set nb_subtitle = nb.metadata.get('subtitle', '') -*))
+    \title{
+        \Huge{\bfseries ((( nb_title | escape_latex ))) \\ 
+        \large{\mdseries ((( nb_subtitle )))}}
+    }
+    ((*- endblock title *))
+    ((* block date *))
+    ((* if 'date' in nb.metadata *))
+    \small{\date{((( nb.metadata.date | escape_latex )))}}
+    ((* endif *))
+    ((* endblock date *))
+    ((* block author *))
+    ((* if 'authors' in nb.metadata *))
+    % ((( nb.metadata.authors | join('\\\\ ', attribute='name'))))
+    % ((( nb.metadata.authors | join('\\\\ ', attribute='email'))))
+    \author{
+        ((*- for author in nb.metadata.authors -*))
+            ((*- if not nb.metadata.authors.last -*))
+                \small\mdseries ((( author.name ))) - \itshape\href{mailto:((( author.email )))}{((( author.email )))} \\ 
+            ((*- else -*))
+                ((( author.name ))) - ((( author.email )))
+            ((*- endif -*))
+        ((*- endfor -*))
+    }
+    ((* endif *))
+    ((* endblock author *))
+    ((* endblock definitions *))
+    ((* block commands *))
+    % Prevent overflowing lines due to hard-to-break entities
+    \sloppy
+    % Setup hyperref package
+    \hypersetup{
+      breaklinks=true,  % so long urls are correctly broken across lines
+      colorlinks=true,
+      urlcolor=urlcolor,
+      linkcolor=linkcolor,
+      citecolor=citecolor,
+      }
+    % Slightly bigger margins than the latex defaults
+    ((* block margins *))
+    \geometry{
+        verbose,
+        tmargin=2.00cm, 
+        bmargin=1.25cm,
+        lmargin=1.75cm,
+        rmargin=1.75cm,
+        includefoot, heightrounded
+    }
+    ((* endblock margins *))
+    ((* endblock commands *))
+((* endblock header *))
+((* block body *))
+    ((* block predoc *))
+    ((* block maketitle *))
+    \maketitle
+    ((* endblock maketitle *))
+    ((* block abstract *))((* endblock abstract *))
+    \vspace{2em}
+    ((* endblock predoc *))
+    ((( super() )))
+    % Add a bibliography block to the postdoc
+    ((* block postdoc *))
+    ((* block bibliography *))((* endblock bibliography *))
+    ((* endblock postdoc *))
+((* endblock body *))
diff --git a/latex-template/conf.json b/latex-template/conf.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  "mimetypes": {
+    "text/latex": true,
+    "text/tex": true,
+    "application/pdf": true
+  }
diff --git a/latex-template/display_priority.j2 b/latex-template/display_priority.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+((= Auto-generated template file, DO NOT edit directly!
+    To edit this file, please refer to ../../skeleton/README.md =))
+((*- extends 'null.j2' -*))
+((=display data priority=))
+((*- block data_priority scoped -*))
+    ((*- for type in output.data | filter_data_type -*))
+        ((*- if type == 'application/pdf' -*))
+            ((*- block data_pdf -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'image/svg+xml' -*))
+            ((*- block data_svg -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'image/png' -*))
+            ((*- block data_png -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'text/html' -*))
+            ((*- block data_html -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'text/markdown' -*))
+            ((*- block data_markdown -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'image/jpeg' -*))
+            ((*- block data_jpg -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'text/plain' -*))
+            ((*- block data_text -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'text/latex' -*))
+            ((*- block data_latex -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'application/javascript' -*))
+            ((*- block data_javascript -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- elif type == 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' -*))
+            ((*- block data_widget_view -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- else -*))
+            ((*- block data_other -*))
+            ((*- endblock -*))
+        ((*- endif -*))
+    ((*- endfor -*))
+((*- endblock data_priority -*))
diff --git a/latex-template/document_contents.tex.j2 b/latex-template/document_contents.tex.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+((*- extends 'display_priority.j2' -*))
+% Support blocks
+% Displaying simple data text
+((* block data_text *))
+    \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
+((( output.data['text/plain'] | escape_latex | ansi2latex )))
+    \end{Verbatim}
+((* endblock data_text *))
+% Display python error text with colored frame (saves printer ink vs bkgnd)
+((* block error *))
+    \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}, frame=single, framerule=2mm, rulecolor=\color{outerrorbackground}]
+(((- super() )))
+    \end{Verbatim}
+((* endblock error *))
+% Display error lines with coloring
+((*- block traceback_line *))
+((( line | escape_latex | ansi2latex )))
+((*- endblock traceback_line *))
+% Display stream ouput with coloring
+((* block stream *))
+    \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
+((( output.text | escape_latex | ansi2latex )))
+    \end{Verbatim}
+((* endblock stream *))
+% Display latex
+((* block data_latex -*))
+    ((( output.data['text/latex'] | strip_files_prefix )))
+((* endblock data_latex *))
+% Display markdown
+((* block data_markdown -*))
+    ((( output.data['text/markdown'] | citation2latex | strip_files_prefix | convert_pandoc('markdown+tex_math_double_backslash', 'latex'))))
+((* endblock data_markdown *))
+% Default mechanism for rendering figures
+((*- block data_png -*))((( draw_figure(output.metadata.filenames['image/png']) )))((*- endblock -*))
+((*- block data_jpg -*))((( draw_figure(output.metadata.filenames['image/jpeg']) )))((*- endblock -*))
+((*- block data_svg -*))((( draw_figure(output.metadata.filenames['image/svg+xml']) )))((*- endblock -*))
+((*- block data_pdf -*))((( draw_figure(output.metadata.filenames['application/pdf']) )))((*- endblock -*))
+% Draw a figure using the graphicx package.
+((* macro draw_figure(filename) -*))
+((* set filename = filename | posix_path *))
+((*- block figure scoped -*))
+    \begin{center}
+    \adjustimage{max size={\linewidth}{\paperheight}}{((( filename )))}
+    \end{center}
+    { \hspace*{\fill} \\}
+    \vspace{-2.5em}
+((*- endblock figure -*))
+((*- endmacro *))
+% Redirect execute_result to display data priority.
+((* block execute_result scoped *))
+    ((* block data_priority scoped *))
+    ((( super() )))
+    ((* endblock *))
+((* endblock execute_result *))
+% Render markdown
+((* block markdowncell scoped *))
+    ((( cell.source | citation2latex | strip_files_prefix | convert_pandoc('markdown+tex_math_double_backslash', 'json',extra_args=[]) | resolve_references | convert_explicitly_relative_paths | convert_pandoc('json','latex'))))
+((* endblock markdowncell *))
+% Don't display unknown types
+((* block unknowncell scoped *))
+((* endblock unknowncell *))
diff --git a/latex-template/index.tex.j2 b/latex-template/index.tex.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+((=- Default to the notebook output style -=))
+((*- if not cell_style is defined -*))
+    ((* set cell_style = 'style_jupyter.tex.j2' *))
+((*- endif -*))
+((=- Inherit from the specified cell style. -=))
+((* extends cell_style *))
+% Latex Article
+((*- block docclass -*))
+((*- endblock docclass -*))
diff --git a/latex-template/null.j2 b/latex-template/null.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+((=- Auto-generated template file, DO NOT edit directly!
+    To edit this file, please refer to ../../skeleton/README.md -=))
+Null template, does nothing except defining a basic structure
+To layout the different blocks of a notebook.
+Subtemplates can override blocks to define their custom representation.
+If one of the block you do overwrite is not a leaf block, consider
+calling super.
+((*- block nonLeafBlock -*))
+    #add stuff at beginning
+    ((( super() )))
+    #add stuff at end
+((*- endblock nonLeafBlock -*))
+consider calling super even if it is a leaf block, we might insert more blocks later.
+((*- block header -*))
+((*- endblock header -*))
+((*- block body -*))
+((*- for cell in nb.cells -*))
+    ((*- block any_cell scoped -*))
+        ((*- if cell.cell_type == 'code'-*))
+            ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_code -*))
+            ((*- block codecell scoped -*))
+                ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_input and not cell.metadata.get("transient",{}).get("remove_source", false) -*))
+                    ((*- block input_group -*))
+                    ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_input_prompt -*))
+                        ((*- block in_prompt -*))((*- endblock in_prompt -*))
+                    ((*- endif -*))
+                        ((*- block input -*))((*- endblock input -*))
+                    ((*- endblock input_group -*))
+                ((*- endif -*))
+                ((*- if cell.outputs and resources.global_content_filter.include_output -*))
+                    ((*- block output_group -*))
+                        ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_output_prompt -*))
+                            ((*- block output_prompt -*))((*- endblock output_prompt -*))
+                        ((*- endif -*))
+                        ((*- block outputs scoped -*))
+                            ((*- for output in cell.outputs -*))
+                                ((*- block output scoped -*))
+                                    ((*- if output.output_type == 'execute_result' -*))
+                                        ((*- block execute_result scoped -*))((*- endblock execute_result -*))
+                                    ((*- elif output.output_type == 'stream' -*))
+                                        ((*- block stream scoped -*))
+                                            ((*- if output.name == 'stdout' -*))
+                                                ((*- block stream_stdout scoped -*))
+                                                ((*- endblock stream_stdout -*))
+                                            ((*- elif output.name == 'stderr' -*))
+                                                ((*- block stream_stderr scoped -*))
+                                                ((*- endblock stream_stderr -*))
+                                            ((*- endif -*))
+                                        ((*- endblock stream -*))
+                                    ((*- elif output.output_type == 'display_data' -*))
+                                        ((*- block display_data scoped -*))
+                                            ((*- block data_priority scoped -*))
+                                            ((*- endblock data_priority -*))
+                                        ((*- endblock display_data -*))
+                                    ((*- elif output.output_type == 'error' -*))
+                                        ((*- block error scoped -*))
+                                        ((*- for line in output.traceback -*))
+                                            ((*- block traceback_line scoped -*))((*- endblock traceback_line -*))
+                                        ((*- endfor -*))
+                                        ((*- endblock error -*))
+                                    ((*- endif -*))
+                                ((*- endblock output -*))
+                            ((*- endfor -*))
+                        ((*- endblock outputs -*))
+                    ((*- endblock output_group -*))
+                ((*- endif -*))
+            ((*- endblock codecell -*))
+            ((*- endif -*))
+        ((*- elif cell.cell_type in ['markdown'] -*))
+            ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_markdown and not cell.metadata.get("transient",{}).get("remove_source", false) -*))
+                ((*- block markdowncell scoped-*)) ((*- endblock markdowncell -*))
+            ((*- endif -*))
+        ((*- elif cell.cell_type in ['raw'] -*))
+            ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_raw and not cell.metadata.get("transient",{}).get("remove_source", false) -*))
+                ((*- block rawcell scoped -*))
+                ((*- if cell.metadata.get('raw_mimetype', '').lower() in resources.get('raw_mimetypes', ['']) -*))
+                ((( cell.source )))
+                ((*- endif -*))
+                ((*- endblock rawcell -*))
+            ((*- endif -*))
+        ((*- else -*))
+            ((*- if resources.global_content_filter.include_unknown and not cell.metadata.get("transient",{}).get("remove_source", false) -*))
+                ((*- block unknowncell scoped-*))
+                ((*- endblock unknowncell -*))
+            ((*- endif -*))
+        ((*- endif -*))
+    ((*- endblock any_cell -*))
+((*- endfor -*))
+((*- endblock body -*))
+((*- block footer -*))
+((*- endblock footer -*))
diff --git a/latex-template/style_jupyter.tex.j2 b/latex-template/style_jupyter.tex.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+((=- IPython input/output style -=))
+((*- extends 'base.tex.j2' -*))
+((*- block packages -*))
+    \usepackage[breakable]{tcolorbox}
+    \usepackage{parskip} % Stop auto-indenting (to mimic markdown behaviour)
+    ((( super() )))
+((*- endblock packages -*))
+((*- block definitions -*))
+    ((( super() )))
+% Pygments definitions
+    (((- resources.latex.pygments_definitions )))
+    % For linebreaks inside Verbatim environment from package fancyvrb.
+    \makeatletter
+        \newbox\Wrappedcontinuationbox
+        \newbox\Wrappedvisiblespacebox
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedvisiblespace {\textcolor{red}{\textvisiblespace}}
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedcontinuationsymbol {\textcolor{red}{\llap{\tiny$\m@th\hookrightarrow$}}}
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedcontinuationindent {3ex }
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedafterbreak {\kern\Wrappedcontinuationindent\copy\Wrappedcontinuationbox}
+        % Take advantage of the already applied Pygments mark-up to insert
+        % potential linebreaks for TeX processing.
+        %        {, <, #, %, $, ' and ": go to next line.
+        %        _, }, ^, &, >, - and ~: stay at end of broken line.
+        % Use of \textquotesingle for straight quote.
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedbreaksatspecials {%
+            \def\PYGZus{\discretionary{\char`\_}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\_}}%
+            \def\PYGZob{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\{}{\char`\{}}%
+            \def\PYGZcb{\discretionary{\char`\}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\}}}%
+            \def\PYGZca{\discretionary{\char`\^}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\^}}%
+            \def\PYGZam{\discretionary{\char`\&}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\&}}%
+            \def\PYGZlt{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\<}{\char`\<}}%
+            \def\PYGZgt{\discretionary{\char`\>}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\>}}%
+            \def\PYGZsh{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\#}{\char`\#}}%
+            \def\PYGZpc{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\%}{\char`\%}}%
+            \def\PYGZdl{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\$}{\char`\$}}%
+            \def\PYGZhy{\discretionary{\char`\-}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\-}}%
+            \def\PYGZsq{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\textquotesingle}{\textquotesingle}}%
+            \def\PYGZdq{\discretionary{}{\Wrappedafterbreak\char`\"}{\char`\"}}%
+            \def\PYGZti{\discretionary{\char`\~}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\char`\~}}%
+        }
+        % Some characters . , ; ? ! / are not pygmentized.
+        % This macro makes them "active" and they will insert potential linebreaks
+        \newcommand*\Wrappedbreaksatpunct {%
+            \lccode`\~`\.\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\.}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\.}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\,\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\,}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\,}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\;\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\;}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\;}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\:\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\:}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\:}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\?\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\?}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\?}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\!\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\!}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\!}}}%
+            \lccode`\~`\/\lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\hbox{\char`\/}}{\Wrappedafterbreak}{\hbox{\char`\/}}}%
+            \catcode`\.\active
+            \catcode`\,\active
+            \catcode`\;\active
+            \catcode`\:\active
+            \catcode`\?\active
+            \catcode`\!\active
+            \catcode`\/\active
+            \lccode`\~`\~
+        }
+    \makeatother
+    \let\OriginalVerbatim=\Verbatim
+    \makeatletter
+    \renewcommand{\Verbatim}[1][1]{%
+        %\parskip\z@skip
+        \sbox\Wrappedcontinuationbox {\Wrappedcontinuationsymbol}%
+        \sbox\Wrappedvisiblespacebox {\FV@SetupFont\Wrappedvisiblespace}%
+        \def\FancyVerbFormatLine ##1{\hsize\linewidth
+            \vtop{\raggedright\hyphenpenalty\z@\exhyphenpenalty\z@
+                \doublehyphendemerits\z@\finalhyphendemerits\z@
+                \strut ##1\strut}%
+        }%
+        % If the linebreak is at a space, the latter will be displayed as visible
+        % space at end of first line, and a continuation symbol starts next line.
+        % Stretch/shrink are however usually zero for typewriter font.
+        \def\FV@Space {%
+            \nobreak\hskip\z@ plus\fontdimen3\font minus\fontdimen4\font
+            \discretionary{\copy\Wrappedvisiblespacebox}{\Wrappedafterbreak}
+            {\kern\fontdimen2\font}%
+        }%
+        % Allow breaks at special characters using \PYG... macros.
+        \Wrappedbreaksatspecials
+        % Breaks at punctuation characters . , ; ? ! and / need catcode=\active
+        \OriginalVerbatim[#1,codes*=\Wrappedbreaksatpunct]%
+    }
+    \makeatother
+    % Exact colors from NB
+    ((*- block style_colors *))
+    \definecolor{incolor}{HTML}{303F9F}
+    \definecolor{outcolor}{HTML}{D84315}
+    \definecolor{cellborder}{HTML}{CFCFCF}
+    \definecolor{cellbackground}{HTML}{F7F7F7}
+    ((*- endblock style_colors *))
+    % prompt
+    \makeatletter
+    \newcommand{\boxspacing}{\kern\kvtcb@left@rule\kern\kvtcb@boxsep}
+    \makeatother
+    ((*- block style_prompt *))
+    \newcommand{\prompt}[4]{
+        {\ttfamily\llap{{\color{#2}[#3]:\hspace{3pt}#4}}\vspace{-\baselineskip}}
+    }
+    ((* endblock style_prompt *))
+((*- endblock definitions -*))
+% Input
+((* block input scoped *))
+    ((( draw_cell(cell.source | highlight_code(strip_verbatim=True), cell, 'In', 'incolor', '\\boxspacing') )))
+((* endblock input *))
+% Output
+((*- if charlim is not defined -*))
+    ((* set charlim = 80 *))
+((*- endif -*))
+((* block execute_result scoped *))
+    ((*- for type in output.data | filter_data_type -*))
+        ((*- if type in ['text/plain']*))
+            ((( draw_cell(output.data['text/plain'] | wrap_text(charlim) | escape_latex | ansi2latex, cell, 'Out', 'outcolor', '\\boxspacing') )))
+        ((* else -*))
+            ((( " " )))
+            ((( draw_prompt(cell, 'Out', 'outcolor','') )))((( super() )))
+        ((*- endif -*))
+    ((*- endfor -*))
+((* endblock execute_result *))
+((* block stream *))
+    \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
+((( output.text | wrap_text(charlim) | escape_latex | strip_trailing_newline | ansi2latex )))
+    \end{Verbatim}
+((* endblock stream *))
+% Support Macros
+% Name: draw_cell
+% Purpose: Renders an output/input prompt
+((*- if draw_cell is not defined -*)) % Required to allow overriding.
+((* macro draw_cell(text, cell, prompt, prompt_color, extra_space) -*))
+((*- if prompt == 'In' -*))
+((*- set style = "breakable, size=fbox, boxrule=1pt, pad at break*=1mm,colback=cellbackground, colframe=cellborder"-*))
+((*- else -*))((*- set style = "breakable, size=fbox, boxrule=.5pt, pad at break*=1mm, opacityfill=0"-*))((*-  endif -*))
+\begin{tcolorbox}[((( style ))), fontupper=\footnotesize]
+(((- draw_prompt(cell, prompt, prompt_color, extra_space) )))
+((( text )))
+((*- endmacro *))
+((*- endif -*))
+% Name: draw_prompt
+% Purpose: Renders an output/input prompt
+((* macro draw_prompt(cell, prompt, prompt_color, extra_space) -*))
+    ((*- if cell.execution_count is defined -*))
+    ((*- set execution_count = "" ~ (cell.execution_count | replace(None, " ")) -*))
+    ((*- else -*))((*- set execution_count = " " -*))((*- endif *))
+    ((*- if (resources.global_content_filter.include_output_prompt and prompt == 'Out')
+         or (resources.global_content_filter.include_input_prompt  and prompt == 'In' ) *))
+    ((*- endif -*))
+((*- endmacro *))