
project 1 for algorithms & programming I (9511) prof. Cardozo
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commit 608fda620724f8cea962aea240a0230a327e07b7
parent d5e4a472e68c0b102c92927864280b2337c6c5e1
Author: klewer-martin <mk@inspiron.localdomain>
Date:   Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:50:06 -0300

Updated and added files;

Mtests/Makefile | 2+-
Atests/iso3166-1.csv | 249+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Rtests/ISO3166-1.h -> tests/iso3166-1.h | 0
Atests/iso3166-1_numbers_and_countries.csv | 249+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Atests/load_country_codes.c | 56++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Atests/load_country_codes.h | 26++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dtests/main | 0
Atests/main.c | 0
Mtests/readlines.c | 36+++++++++++++-----------------------
Atests/readlines.h | 26++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dtests/readlines.o | 0
Atests/time_translator.h | 6++++++
12 files changed, 626 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ main.o: readlines.c ISO3166-1.h
     $(CC) -c readlines.c
-    rm -f *.c *.out
+    rm -f *.o *.out main
diff --git a/tests/iso3166-1.csv b/tests/iso3166-1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Åland Islands,248
+American Samoa,16
+Antigua and Barbuda,28
+Bolivia (Plurinational State of),68
+"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",535
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,70
+Bouvet Island,74
+British Indian Ocean Territory,86
+Brunei Darussalam,96
+Burkina Faso,854
+Cabo Verde,132
+Cayman Islands,136
+Central African Republic,140
+Christmas Island,162
+Cocos (Keeling) Islands,166
+"Congo, Democratic Republic of the",180
+Cook Islands,184
+Costa Rica,188
+Côte d'Ivoire,384
+Dominican Republic,214
+El Salvador,222
+Equatorial Guinea,226
+Falkland Islands (Malvinas),238
+Faroe Islands,234
+French Guiana,254
+French Polynesia,258
+French Southern Territories,260
+Heard Island and McDonald Islands,334
+Holy See,336
+Hong Kong,344
+Iran (Islamic Republic of),364
+Isle of Man,833
+Korea (Democratic People's Republic of),408
+"Korea, Republic of",410
+Lao People's Democratic Republic,418
+Marshall Islands,584
+Micronesia (Federated States of),583
+"Moldova, Republic of",498
+New Caledonia,540
+New Zealand,554
+Norfolk Island,574
+North Macedonia,807
+Northern Mariana Islands,580
+"Palestine, State of",275
+Papua New Guinea,598
+Puerto Rico,630
+Russian Federation,643
+Saint Barthélemy,652
+"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",654
+Saint Kitts and Nevis,659
+Saint Lucia,662
+Saint Martin (French part),663
+Saint Pierre and Miquelon,666
+Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,670
+San Marino,674
+Sao Tome and Principe,678
+Saudi Arabia,682
+Sierra Leone,694
+Sint Maarten (Dutch part),534
+Solomon Islands,90
+South Africa,710
+South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,239
+South Sudan,728
+Sri Lanka,144
+Svalbard and Jan Mayen,744
+Syrian Arab Republic,760
+"Taiwan, Province of China",158
+"Tanzania, United Republic of",834
+Trinidad and Tobago,780
+Turks and Caicos Islands,796
+United Arab Emirates,784
+United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,826
+United States of America,840
+United States Minor Outlying Islands,581
+Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of),862
+Viet Nam,704
+Virgin Islands (British),92
+Virgin Islands (U.S.),850
+Wallis and Futuna,876
+Western Sahara,732
diff --git a/tests/ISO3166-1.h b/tests/iso3166-1.h
diff --git a/tests/iso3166-1_numbers_and_countries.csv b/tests/iso3166-1_numbers_and_countries.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+248,Åland Islands
+16,American Samoa
+28,Antigua and Barbuda
+68,Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
+535,"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"
+70,Bosnia and Herzegovina
+74,Bouvet Island
+86,British Indian Ocean Territory
+96,Brunei Darussalam
+854,Burkina Faso
+132,Cabo Verde
+136,Cayman Islands
+140,Central African Republic
+162,Christmas Island
+166,Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+180,"Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
+184,Cook Islands
+188,Costa Rica
+384,Côte d'Ivoire
+214,Dominican Republic
+222,El Salvador
+226,Equatorial Guinea
+238,Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
+234,Faroe Islands
+254,French Guiana
+258,French Polynesia
+260,French Southern Territories
+334,Heard Island and McDonald Islands
+336,Holy See
+344,Hong Kong
+364,Iran (Islamic Republic of)
+833,Isle of Man
+408,Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
+410,"Korea, Republic of"
+418,Lao People's Democratic Republic
+584,Marshall Islands
+583,Micronesia (Federated States of)
+498,"Moldova, Republic of"
+540,New Caledonia
+554,New Zealand
+574,Norfolk Island
+807,North Macedonia
+580,Northern Mariana Islands
+275,"Palestine, State of"
+598,Papua New Guinea
+630,Puerto Rico
+643,Russian Federation
+652,Saint Barthélemy
+654,"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"
+659,Saint Kitts and Nevis
+662,Saint Lucia
+663,Saint Martin (French part)
+666,Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+670,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+674,San Marino
+678,Sao Tome and Principe
+682,Saudi Arabia
+694,Sierra Leone
+534,Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
+90,Solomon Islands
+710,South Africa
+239,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
+728,South Sudan
+144,Sri Lanka
+744,Svalbard and Jan Mayen
+760,Syrian Arab Republic
+158,"Taiwan, Province of China"
+834,"Tanzania, United Republic of"
+780,Trinidad and Tobago
+796,Turks and Caicos Islands
+784,United Arab Emirates
+826,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
+840,United States of America
+581,United States Minor Outlying Islands
+862,Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
+704,Viet Nam
+92,Virgin Islands (British)
+850,Virgin Islands (U.S.)
+876,Wallis and Futuna
+732,Western Sahara
diff --git a/tests/load_country_codes.c b/tests/load_country_codes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "load_country_codes.h"
+status_t empty_country_codes(char country_codes[COUNTRIES_NUMBER][ARRAYS_LENGTH]) 
+    size_t i, j;
+    for(i = 0; i < COUNTRIES_NUMBER; i++)
+        for(j = 0; j < (ARRAYS_LENGTH - 1); j++) {
+            country_codes[i][j] = 'a';
+        country_codes[i][ARRAYS_LENGTH - 1] = '\n';
+        }
+    return OK;
+status_t load_country_codes(char country_codes[COUNTRIES_NUMBER][ARRAYS_LENGTH])
+    FILE *fp;
+    char *buff;
+    char buff_2[10];
+    int country_code;
+    char country_name[INITIAL_SIZE];
+    size_t i, j;
+    part_t part;
+    buff = malloc(INITIAL_SIZE);
+    if((fp = fopen("iso3166-1_numbers_and_countries.csv", "r")) == NULL)
+        return ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
+    while(fgets(buff, INITIAL_SIZE, fp) != NULL) {
+        for(i = 0, j = 0, part = CODE; (*(buff + i)) != '\0'; i++) {
+            if((*(buff + i + 1)) == ',') {
+                country_code = atoi(buff_2);
+                part = NAME;
+            }
+            switch(part)
+            {
+                case CODE: buff_2[i] = *(buff + i); break;
+                case NAME: country_name[j] = *(buff + i); j++; break;
+            }
+        }
+        strcpy(country_name, country_codes[country_code]);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(buff);
+    return OK;
diff --git a/tests/load_country_codes.h b/tests/load_country_codes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define INITIAL_SIZE        65
+#define COUNTRIES_NUMBER    500
+#define ARRAYS_LENGTH        25
+typedef enum {
+    OK,
+} status_t;
+typedef enum {
+    CODE,
+    NAME
+} part_t;
+status_t empty_country_codes(char country_codes[COUNTRIES_NUMBER][ARRAYS_LENGTH]); 
+status_t load_country_codes(char country_codes[COUNTRIES_NUMBER][ARRAYS_LENGTH]);
diff --git a/tests/main b/tests/main
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/tests/main.c b/tests/main.c
diff --git a/tests/readlines.c b/tests/readlines.c
@@ -1,30 +1,9 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <time.h>
+#include "readlines.h"
-#define INPUT_FILE_NAME "input.csv"
-#define INITIAL_SIZE 1000
-#define TIME_MAX_DIGITS 1000
-#define ARG "Argentina"
-#define COL "Colombia"
-#define GER "Germany"
-const char date_print_format[] = "%b %Y";
-typedef enum {
-    OK,
-} status_t;
-typedef enum {
-    PAIS,
-    DATE,
-} data_t;
+const char date_print_format[] = "%d %b %Y";
 status_t print_country(size_t country_code);
 status_t print_date(size_t data);
@@ -49,6 +28,7 @@ int main(void)
     for(line = 0; fgets(buff1, sizeof(buff1), fp) != NULL; line++)
+//    This if is to skip the first line which doesn't contain information;
         if(line != 0) {
             for(i = 0, j = 0, data = PAIS; buff1[i] != '\0'; i++)
@@ -80,6 +60,16 @@ int main(void)
+//    char country_codes[COUNTRIES_NUMBER][ARRAYS_LENGTH];
+//    if(load_country_codes(country_codes) != OK)
+//    empty_country_codes(country_codes);
+//    size_t i;
+//    for(i = 0; i < 500; i++)
+//        printf("%s", *(country_codes + i));
     return 0;
diff --git a/tests/readlines.h b/tests/readlines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef READLINES
+#define READLINES
+#define INPUT_FILE_NAME "input.csv"
+#define INITIAL_SIZE 1000
+#define TIME_MAX_DIGITS 1000
+#define ARG "Argentina"
+#define COL "Colombia"
+#define GER "Germany"
+typedef enum {
+    OK,
+} status_t;
+typedef enum {
+    PAIS,
+    DATE,
+} data_t;
diff --git a/tests/readlines.o b/tests/readlines.o
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/tests/time_translator.h b/tests/time_translator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@