
scripts to make my pc work
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nsxiv-rifle (1360B)
   1 #!/bin/sh
   3 TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"
   4 tmp="$TMPDIR/nsxiv_rifle_$$"
   6 is_img_extension() {
   7     grep -iE '\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg|webp|tiff|heif|avif|ico|bmp)$'
   8 }
  10 listfiles() {
  11     find -L "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print |
  12         is_img_extension | sort | tee "$tmp"
  13 }
  15 open_img() {
  16     file="$1"; shift;
  17     # only go through listfiles() if the file has a valid img extension
  18     if echo "$file" | is_img_extension >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  19         trap 'rm -f $tmp' EXIT
  20         count="$(listfiles "///${file%/*}" | grep -nF "$file")"
  21     fi
  22     if [ -n "$count" ]; then
  23         nsxiv -i -n "${count%%:*}" "$@" -- < "$tmp"
  24     else
  25         # fallback incase file didn't have a valid extension, or we couldn't
  26         # find it inside the list
  27         nsxiv "$@" -- "$file"
  28     fi
  29 }
  31 uri2path() {
  32     python3 - "$@" <<'___HEREDOC'
  33 from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse
  34 from sys import argv
  35 for arg in argv[1:]:
  36     print(unquote(urlparse(arg).path))
  37 ___HEREDOC
  38 }
  40 [ "$1" = '--' ] && shift
  41 case "$1" in
  42     "") echo "Usage: ${0##*/} PICTURES" >&2; exit 1 ;;
  43     /*) open_img "$1" ;;
  44     "~"/*) open_img "$HOME/${1#"~"/}" ;;
  45     file:///*) open_img "$(uri2path "$1")" ;;
  46     trash:///*)
  47         trash_dir="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/Trash/files"
  48         open_img "${trash_dir}$(uri2path "$1")" -N "nsxiv_trash"
  49         ;;
  50     *) open_img "$PWD/$1" ;;
  51 esac