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about.html (1630B)
   1 <!DOCTYPE html>
   2 <html lang="en">
   3 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
   4     <head>
   5         <title>About | Martin Klöckner's Webpage</title>
   7         <!--#include virtual="/common/head.shtml" -->
   8         <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href="/css/about.css?ver=0.1">
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  14         <article>
  15             <div class="presentation">
  16                 <img class=profile_img src="/common/profile.jpeg" title="Profile picture" alt="Profile picture">
  17             </div>
  19             <p>I'm an Electronics Engineer student at <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Buenos_Aires">University of Buenos Aires</a> in Argentina. I like to tinker around with linux and computers in general in my free time.</p>
  20             <p>I made this webpage because I wanted to write down and share random stuff that I've stumbled across, also because I wanted to know about all the web development fuss ngl.</p>
  21             <p>Keep in mind that English is not my native language so if you encounter any orthographic mistakes (spoiler: you will) please, have patience (you can also notify me via mail, which I will be very grateful!)</p>
  23             <h2 style="color: tomato;" class="contact_me"><u>Contact me!</u></h2>
  24             <ul>
  25                 <li>mail: <a href="mailto:mjkloeckner@gmail.com">mjkloeckner@gmail.com</a> </li>
  26                 <li>github: <a href="https://github.com/mjkloeckner">github.com/mjkloeckner</a></li>
  27                 <li>linkedin: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjkloeckner/">linkedin.com/in/mjkloeckner</a> </li>
  28             </ul>
  29             <hr class="article_bottom_bar">
  30         </article>
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  33 </html>