
Simple PWM driver made with a 555 timer and a MOSFET
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   1 * This model is for the old bipolar 555 supplied by National
   2 * Semi Lm555, it is essentially the data schematic entered
   3 * with some manipulation of the bipolar parameters to correct 
   4 * drive capability and timing. The max frequency of 100k as 
   5 * hinted at by Nat Semi is maintained but does conflict with 
   6 * the trigger propagation delay. It would seem that the real part
   7 * is capable of higher freqs. The high current transients with 
   8 * change of output are seen with this model.
   9 .subckt 555b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  10   q_q2     18 31 32  qnpn555 
  11   q_q1     18 6 31  qnpn555 
  12   q_q4     17 5 30  qnpn555 
  13   q_q3     17 30 32  qnpn555 
  14   q_q5d    15 18 8  qpnp555 
  15   q_q5     18 18 8  qpnp555 
  16   q_q6d    16 17 8  qpnp555 
  17   q_q6     17 17 8  qpnp555 
  18   q_q11    19 9 20  qpnp555 
  19   q_q9     22 24 19  qpnp555 
  20   q_q10    1 25 24  qpnp555 
  21   q_q8     21 23 19  qpnp555 
  22   q_q7     1 2 23  qpnp555 
  23   q_q12    21 22 1  qnpn555 
  24   q_q13    22 22 1  qnpn555 
  25   r_r1     20 8 1k 
  26   r_r3     25 5 5k 
  27   r_r4     1 25 5k 
  28   q_q16    15 16 1  qnpn555 
  29   q_q15    16 16 1  qnpn555 
  30   q_q17    14 15 13  qnpn555 
  31   q_q18    13 21 1  qnpn555 
  32   q_q19    12 13 1  qnpn555 
  33   q_q21    14 14 12  qnpn555 
  34   r_r5     5 8 5k 
  35   r_r6     14 9 7.5k 
  36   r_r8     1 32 10k 
  37   q_q22    9 9 8  qpnp555 
  38   q_q22d   10 9 8  qpnp555 
  39   q_q20    10 12 1  qnpn555 
  40   r_r10    13 10 4.7k 
  41   q_q23    11 10 26  qnpn555  .5
  42   q_q26    3 29 1  qnpn555  .5
  43   r_r11    27 26 100 
  44   r_r12    1 26 3.3k 
  45   r_r14    26 29 120 
  46   r_r15    11 8 6.2k 
  47   q_q27    8 11 28  qnpn555 
  48   q_q28    8 28 3  qnpn555 
  49   r_r16    3 28 3.9k 
  50   q_q24    1 11 3  qpnp555 
  51   q_q25    27 4 14  qpnp555 
  52   q_q14    7 27 1  qnpn555
  53   cslow1   15 0 40p
  54   cslow2   16 0 40p 
  55   cslow11  21 0 40p
  56   cslow22  22 0 40p 
  57 .model qnpn555    npn(is=14.34f xti=3 eg=1.11 vaf=74.03 bf=65.62 ne=1.208
  58 +        ise=19.48f ikf=20m xtb=1.5 br=9.715 nc=2 isc=0 ikr=0 rc=1
  59 +        cjc=40p mjc=.3416 vjc=.75 fc=.5 cje=40p mje=.377 vje=.75
  60 +        tr=58.98n tf=1n itf=.6 vtf=1.7 xtf=3 rb=10)
  61 .model qpnp555    pnp(is=650.6e-18 xti=3 eg=1.11 vaf=115.7 bf=70.35 ne=1.829
  62 +        ise=180.5f ikf=20m xtb=1.5 br=4.146 nc=2 isc=0 ikr=0 rc=.715
  63 +        cjc=40p mjc=.5383 vjc=.75 fc=.5 cje=40p mje=.3357 vje=.75
  64 +        tr=119.9n tf=1n itf=.65 vtf=5 xtf=1.7 rb=10)
  65 .ends
  68 *|.LIB MISC.LIB
  69 *|.PARAM CVAL=20N
  70 *|VRST 4 0 PULSE(1 0 700U 1U 1U 400U 1) 
  71 *|C2 3 0 10P
  72 *|VCC 8 0 5
  73 *|RA 8 7 4700
  74 *|RB 7 6 2200
  75 *|C1 6 0 {CVAL}
  76 *|X1 0 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 555B
  77 *|CTRL 5 0 10P
  78 *|.IC V(6)=0
  79 *|.TRAN 10U 800U
  80 *|.PROBE
  81 *|.END